Welcome to a new cookbook review in English here at Deborahs Bücherhimmel. We were very delighted as we recognized that one of our favourite German cookbooks will be published in English by Murdoch Books. „Taste the Wild“ from Lisa Nieschlag and Lars Wentrup will take you into a country full of wilderness, wideness and very tasty dishes … Canada.

Mid March 2019 we have tested and reviewed the origin German version. If you want to have a look on our German review please click HERE.

The authors:
„Taste the Wild“ is the new cookbook by the authors Lisa Nieschlag & Lars Wentrup. You may have heard about Lisa and Lars, because they are the heads behind New York: Capital of Food, New York Christmas Baking and New York Christmas, all published by Murdoch Books.
What to expect?
Even if you don‘t want to cook you‘ll find lots of details about Canada to discover.
For that we don‘t want to let you know how great this book is we‘ve tested four recipes of which more later.
First of all the woodlike cover with the stamped title will catch your attention. Yes, we like to stroke books, the look and feel is very important for us.

While turning the pages and looking up to the pictures of the canadian wilderness we dreamt us on a trip through Canada and discovered some very interesting recipes.
The Chapters
„Taste the Wild“ is devided in four chapters:
- IN SEARCH OF SPACE – A new day dawns (e.g. french toast, breakfast wraps, white hot Chocolate…)
- LIMITLESS FREEDOM – An adventure begins (e.g. Pan-bakes Bannock-Pizza, grilled cheese sandwich, tourtière, Nanaimo bars…)
- GO YOUR OWN WAY – Live the moment (e.g. poutine, chicken and mushroom pot pie, chocolate pudding cake…)
- BLISSFUL SOLITUDE – Campfires under the stars (e.g. Cauldron goulash with pale ale, Pulled pork burgers, S’mores…)

In total you can choose between 49 recipes, hearty and sweet, with meat, fish or sea food and a few vegetarian.
In addition to the recipes and pictures there are 4 short stories bringing the canadian spirit to your attention:
- Anne Michaels – Fugitive pieces
- Margaret Atwood – Uncles
- Charles Dickens – In Canada
- Chris Crajkowski – Cabin at singing river

The cookbook practical test
Every of the four tested recipes were easy to prepare and to cook with any problems. The result were very tasty dishes.
Breakfast wraps withscrambled eggs
This is a very easy and uncomplicated idea for a breakfast – and definitely tasting for more. We prepared four wraps for us two and we were fully sated. Viewing the recipe I‘m hungry again now, I should prepare another one … maybe together with a delicious coffee.

A Tourtière is a hearty meat pie Québécois style, origin from the french part of Canada. This dish is perfect if you‘re awaiting guests. You can easily prepare the Tourtière in advance and put in the oven when your guests are arriving.
We‘ve enjoyed the meat pie a few days after the other 😉
Due to the fact that there are different kind of yufka leaves available we maybe picked up the wrong type, unwilling to form or to fold. It breaks in pieces instead 🙁
But the taste hits the spot … so yummy. We recommend a green salad as supplement.

Chicken and mushroom pot pie
And yessss … another pie, also easy to prepare. The taste remembers me of chicken ragout and was quite good, but we would spice it up a bit more. This was the recipe we wasn‘t delighted of the least.

Cauldron goulash with pale ale
Last but not least let‘s turn to our absoulte favourite dish in the test. Beef, vegetables, pale ale, maple syrup and flavorful spices. This sounds like a sensational meal. The best part is that we enjoyed this meal also a few days after the other. With every warm-over the taste was more intense. We tried rice or pasta as sides, not to forget a good beer.
This goulash is a winter evening‘s dream … it will warm you up from inside.

Our résumé to „Taste the Wild“ by Lisa Nieschlag and Lars Wentrup
Another big shot by Lisa and Lars. This is the third cookbook we’ve tested from this duo and none of them disappointed us.
It‘s great that the recipes are easy to prepare all the time and also beginners will have lots of fun and a sense of achievement.
You cannot make a mistake with „Taste the Wild“ – it‘s a perfect gift, for yourself or for friends of yours (e.g. canada fans). Have a look on it in your local book shop. And enjoy the meals.
We like the easy and tasty recipes as much as the stories and brilliant pictures rounding up the whole book.
As we tested the German version by Hölker Verlag I’ve taken the front cover photo from Murdoch Books website with the friendly permission of Murdoch Books.
The other pictures are taken by ourselves, © & ® Deborahs Bücherhimmel.

Advertisement due to § 2 Nr. 5 TMG (only for Germany):
„Taste the Wild“ is published by Murdoch Books in the UK, Australian and New Zealand. More information around this amazing cookbook you will find here: https://www.murdochbooks.com.au/browse/books/cooking-food-drink/food-drink/Taste-the-Wild-Lisa-Nieschlag-and-Lars-Wentrup-9781760524760